Cleanliness, the first law of health.
In order to develop healthy hygiene practices and to make the little ones aware of the importance of healthy habits and healthy eating KG 1 celebrated Health and Hygiene weeks from 19th September to 29th September .Videos related to healthy habits were showcased throughout the weeks.Teachers explained to the kids the importance of health and hygiene.Kids enjoyed various activities like coloring worksheets, craft activity, healthy plate making, healthy meal eating and healthy sandwich making activity . During the class the school nurse visited the class and explained to the kids how the germs get into our body and how we fall sick. She also explained to them the importance of washing hands and showed them the steps for washing hands correctly.The teachers also explained to the kids the importance of keeping the surroundings and the environment clean.The little ones enjoyed these activities throughout these 2 weeks. To conclude the event a special assembly was conducted on 29th September. Some of the little ones spoke on healthy practices like brushing teeth, washing hands and good manners and good habits. Some children did yoga and some kids spoke on healthy eating habits.
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