Theme: ‘International Family Day’
Date: 15-05-24
Class: 2 WA
Venue: Villa D Stage, Pearl School, Al Dafna, Qatar

Objective: To raise awareness about the importance of families, promote the well-being of families etc.

Class 2WA organised a class assembly with the theme of “International Family Day.” The
assembly aimed to educate students on the significance of this day and the importance of a strong
family unit in their lives. Students’ participation brought excitement and joy to the event. Niranjan
and Aleena took on the role of comparers. Mithran and Ameena shared the school’s vision and
mission; Ridah presented the word of the day; Princess offered an inspirational message; and
Tanmay delivered the news. Ziaan delivered a speech accompanied by a powerful visual display,
and the children performed a beautiful song. The assembly concluded with the rendition of national
anthems. Overall, the assembly was a success, and the students’ outstanding performance delighted
the audience