The students of Pearl School, Al Dafna Campus, Qatar, conducted a special assembly on October 24, 2023. The theme of the assembly was “Exercise is important.” They presented the theme beautifully. The assembly began with the school prayer. They also performed a theme presentation related to the topic. The coordinator, Ms. Lali Neshikumar, and the school nurse, Ms. Devika, motivated the children with their inspiring messages. The assembly ended with the recitation of the Qatar National Anthem, followed by the Indian National Anthem.

A class assembly with the topic “Solar System” was conducted by Class 2WB. It aids in educating pupils about knowledge, abilities, and facts gained via education or experience; it gives them a theoretical or practical grasp of a subject. Being a part of the assembly seemed to excite and thrill the small children. Anika and Umama were the comparers of the gathering. Reem led the assembly in prayer, and then Ackly and Anvi presented the school’s vision and mission; Eshal shared the word of the day; Lubna offered an inspirational thought; Athul delivered the news; and a powerful visual display of the children as planets in the solar system presented the assembly. The assembly concluded with the Qatar National Anthem, followed by the Indian National Anthem.